Reach the PEAK of

Your Physical and

Mental Fitness

Reach the PEAK of

Your Physical and

Mental Fitness

Trust Yourself

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We see this when a client first starts training with us, and we see it from clients who’ve been training with us for years.

And if left untreated, it’s something that can really hold you back.

It’s a lack of trust.

For a newbie, it’s the belief that you’re “doing the exercise wrong” or “won’t be able to stick with it.”

First of all, it’s our job (and the job of our other amazing coaches) to make sure you’re doing the exercise correctly and safely, so there’s no need to even think about that.

As for not being able to stick with it … maybe that’s something that’s happened to you in the past and, for good reason, you’re feeling anxious that it could happen again. Just remember … not being able to stick with it isn’t a fact. It’s a belief and a decision that you’ve made … and that you can change 🙂

As far as long-time clients, I’ve seen this happen during the summer months, in particular. A vacation is coming up, so they’ve decided to cram in a bunch of extra workouts before getting on the plane because they “don't have the discipline” to exercise while on vacation … or “doesn’t have the willpower” to say “no” to the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Again … these are not facts. They’re beliefs and decisions that we’ve made for ourselves. Once we realize that making a new decision is all that’s required to change our behavior, life becomes a whole lot less complicated. 

One last thing on trust……..if you don’t trust yourself, maybe what you’re really saying is that you don’t trust some of the beliefs you’ve formed and the decisions you’ve made.

Change them, and watch the trust in yourself go through the roof.

Jenn & Deej